For the second year in a row, the generous employees of the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority will pay $5 each to wear their favorite comfy jeans to work, then donate the collected funds to TFK. Last year, donations from the Jeans Day program resulted in a $1,365 contribution to Tickets for Kids!
Started in January 2017, ALCOSAN’s Jeans Day program usually attracts between 60-90 participants who are eager to do good while dressing down.
“When determining what charities to support, we focus on local organizations that do good work in our community,” said Susan Mannella, Manager of Communications. “Everybody wants to support children, so Tickets for Kids was a good fit.”
In addition to providing wastewater treatment services to 83 Pittsburgh-area municipalities, ALCOSAN is an active community partner.
“ALCOSAN is eager to improve the lives of children in our community,” Mannella continued. “We provide in-school and after-school programming for students in pre-school through high school, but it is important for children to have fun experiences that extend beyond traditional educational activities.”
Tickets for Kids is grateful for ALCOSAN’s support and partnership. We look forward to sharing the opportunities their contribution will provide with the kids and families we serve!